
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Busy day

It is now 9pm. Mom got her hair done today. She had a great time at the salon. Went to here apt. at the clinic. She only argued a little about dinner and medications. Only needed a little help with getting ready for bed. Now I get to relax with laundry and dishes. How was your day?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Marty!
    My name is Karen Boerger (OH)and I was browsing websites and came across and typed in caregivers which is close to my heart. I read your October blogs and understand the challenges that you will face. My mother also had ALZ. Over the 24 years I was in teaching/administration I had 6 different caregiving of which was my mother. Because of my experiences and those of my friend who has written over 30 books, we wanted to help caregivers. We just finished writing two books: BLESSINGS AND PRAYERS FOR CAREGIVERS (Concordia Publishing House--release date January 2010) and JOY-SPIRATIONS FOR CAREGIVERS (Wine Press Publishing--release date April 2010). Go to my website and sign up for my newsletter for caregivers, Nuggets of Hope. There is a contact page which will give you my information to contact me with any questions you might have and you can help me by giving me helpful tips also to share with readers. Hugs and Blessings to you Marty!


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