
Friday, September 9, 2011

History learned

After my mom passed I received a call from an old family friend. I learned that my mother was co founder of the local CAPS ( child abuse prevention services) program. I believe that I have already mentioned she was co founder of our local hospice program. I continue to learn of her service to her community. She touched so many lives. Now I want to honor her by doing the same. I just need to find my niche so I can continue my mothers legacy of community service.  I hope to continue my blog. I have been told that my blog has helped others. If I can help you with a situation you are facing please feel free to contact me on my blog or by e-mail.

Time with my mother

 I am not sure how to start this blog today.  My mom passed peacefully  at home last month. I was blessed to be at her bedside when she passed. Saw the peaceful expression on her face. But, the loss has been hard. I had become so use to people in and out all day and night. The house seems to quiet now. After spending so much time trying to be creative and staying on top of things I am at a loss at how to act. Free time is overstated.

hits 2 you

hits 2 you

gold rush

Traffic Gold Rush