
Monday, January 18, 2010


My biggest challenge with mom is keeping her dressed. My sister found a company that makes clothes for the demented. These clothes are designed so they close in the back and mom would not be able to take them off. I have decided no for now. I still want her to be able to go to the bathroom on her own as well as dress. keeping her as independent as possible. But, sis I appreciate all the information and research you do for me.

1 comment:

  1. I kept mom in her clothes and jammies at night until last year, sometime in April I think. Changes were happening so fast, it made my head spin. The biggest problem was I was denying or ignoring their presence which made it harder for her and I. When I finally accepted them I could make the needed changes to better care for her. That meant no more clothes, no more two piece jammies, but gowns put on backwards and slit up the back....and so it has been since. They were hard decisions, emotional decisions but they had to be done. It was at that time period that I also started having hospice help so it all ended up being another turning point in caring for mom.


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